Results for 'Dewey A. Nelson'

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  1.  15
    Thoracic outlet syndrome and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint: proved pathology or pseudosyndromes?Dewey A. Nelson - 1990 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 33 (4):567.
  2.  29
    Coccydynia and Lumbar Disk Disease—Historical Correlations and Clinical Cautions.Dewey A. Nelson - 1990 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 34 (2):229-238.
  3. Pragmatic validity in Mannheim and Dewey: a reassessment of the epistemological critique of Ideology and Utopia.Rodney D. Nelson - 1995 - History of the Human Sciences 8 (3):25-45.
  4.  69
    The lost path to emancipatory practice: towards a history of reflective practice in nursing.Sioban Nelson - 2012 - Nursing Philosophy 13 (3):202-213.
    This paper historicizes the taken‐for‐granted acceptance of reflection as a fundamental professional practice in nursing. It draws attention to the broad application of reflective practice, from pedagogy to practice to regulation, and explores the epistemological basis upon which the authority of reflective discourse rests. Previous work has provided a series of critiques of the logic and suitability of reflective practice across all domains of nursing. The goal of this paper is to commence a history of nursing's reflective identity. The paper (...)
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    Formación y la cuestión del tacto. Consideraciones desde la estética, para la educación.Alejandro Andrés Berrios Avaria & Nelson Cristian Rodriguez Arratia - 2022 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 7 (2):1-16.
    El presente artículo desarrolla el tema de la formación del tacto. Este tema, que desde las ciencias del espíritu llamaron bildung o formación, pone como una cuestión principal, la estética en la formación para la vida. Respecto a ello, es pertinente analizar las variables ver aquellas acciones o reflexiones que ayudan a sensibilizar y construir espacios de humanización entre los hombres. En el contexto pedagógico, se requieren, de las mismas exigencias del tacto, tanto para la educación superior en la formación (...)
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    Is Nature Enough? Yes.Jerome A. Stone - 2003 - Zygon 38 (4):783-800.
    Religious naturalism encompasses thinkers from Baruch Spinoza, George Santayana, John Dewey, Henry Nelson Wieman, and Ralph Burhoe to recent writers. I offer a generic definition of religious naturalism and then outline my own version, the “minimalist vision of transcendence.” Many standard issues in the science‐and‐religion dialogue are seen to fade in significance for religious naturalism. I make suggestions for our understanding of science, including the importance of transcognitive abilities, the need for a revised notion of rationality as an (...)
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    Wieman's misunderstanding of Dewey: The Christian century discussion.Marvin C. Shaw - 1987 - Zygon 22 (1):7-19.
    An important issue in the development of the American school of philosophy known as critical naturalism was whether the naturalistic vision implied a humanistic or a theistic interpretation of religion. Is the divine a creativity within nature but more than human effort, or is it the human vision of ideal possibilities and the effort to realize them? This issue is clarified through a study of the concept of the divine developed by the leading naturalist John Dewey in A Common (...)
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  8.  24
    God and the Land.Stephanie A. Nelson - 1998 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In this pathbreaking book, which includes a powerful new translation of Hesiod's Works and Days by esteemed translator David Grene, Stephanie Nelson argues that a society's vision of farming contains deep indications about its view of the human place within nature, and our relationship to the divine. She contends that both Hesiod in the Works and Days and Vergil in the Georgics saw farming in this way, and so wrote their poems not only about farming itself, but also about (...)
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    Joshua: A Commentary.David A. Glatt-Gilad & Richard D. Nelson - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (3):483.
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    Field ion microscope examination of heavy ion radiation damage in iridium.J. A. Hudson, R. S. Nelson & B. Ralph - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (154):839-845.
  11.  37
    Correction to: Valencies of the lanthanides.David A. Johnson & Peter G. Nelson - 2018 - Foundations of Chemistry 21 (1):47-48.
    The authors regret that there are errors in equation and subsequent discussion. The correct version is as follows.
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  12.  33
    May/December romance: Adaptive significance non probabilis est.Christopher A. Moffatt & Randy J. Nelson - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):106-107.
  13.  37
    Valencies of the lanthanides.David A. Johnson & Peter G. Nelson - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (1):15-27.
    The valencies of the lanthanides vary more than was once thought. In addition to valencies associated with a half-full shell, there are valencies associated with a quarter- and three-quarter-full shell. This can be explained on the basis of Slater’s theory of many-electron atoms. The same theory explains the variation in complexing constants in the trivalent state. Valency in metallic and organometallic compounds is also discussed.
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    The formation of precipitate phases in aluminium by ion implantation.P. A. Thackery & R. S. Nelson - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (157):169-180.
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    Erratum to: Valencies of the lanthanides.David A. Johnson & Peter G. Nelson - 2017 - Foundations of Chemistry 20 (1):29-30.
    The authors regret that there are errors in equation and subsequent discussion.
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    A Contextualistic Worldview: Essays by Lewis E. Hahn.Lewis Edwin Hahn - 2001 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    This selection of articles by Lewis E. Hahn addresses the philosophical school of contextualism and four contemporary American philosophers: John Dewey, Henry Nelson Wieman, Stephen C. Pepper, and Brand Blanshard. Stressing the relatively recent contextualistic worldview, which he considers one of the best world hypotheses, Hahn seeks to achieve a broad perspective within which all things may be given their due place. After providing a brief outline, Hahn explains contextualism in relation to other philosophies. In his opening chapter, (...)
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  17.  26
    The Syriac Version of the Wisdom of Ben Sira Compared to the Greek and Hebrew Materials.Bernard A. Taylor & Milward Douglas Nelson - 1991 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 111 (3):663.
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    External Assistance to Autonomy: A Fundamental Conundrum in Human Affairs.Ellerman D. - 2025 - Philosophy International Journal 8 (1):1-11.
    Kant’s notion of autonomy is not only a central concept in pure moral philosophy; it is also a key organizing concept in applied moral philosophy. Across the whole spectrum of human endeavors, there are helping relationships wherein some helpers (e.g., doctors, teachers, social workers, advisors, managers, or organizers) try to help their counterparts (e.g., patients, students, clients, workers, and so forth) to help themselves. But there is a fundamental “helping self-help conundrum” in the very idea of helpers giving external assistance (...)
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  19.  22
    Avoidance learning in a black and white shuttlebox.Seward A. Moot, Kelly Nelson & Robert C. Bolles - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (5):501-502.
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  20. Tort Law and Medical Malpractice Insurance Premiums.Meredith L. Kilgore, Michael A. Morrisey & Leonard J. Nelson - 2006 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 43 (3):255-270.
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  21.  12
    Telling Our Lives: Conversations on Solidarity and Difference.Frida Kerner Furman, Elizabeth A. Kelly & Linda Williamson Nelson - 2005 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Telling Our Lives explores how three working-class women-from Jewish, African-American, and Irish-American backgrounds connect across their differences through storytelling and conversation.
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  22.  48
    Academic Integrity of Millennials: The Impact of Religion and Spirituality.Millicent F. Nelson, Matrecia S. L. James, Angela Miles, Daniel L. Morrell & Sally Sledge - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (5):385-400.
    The majority of traditional students enrolled at most colleges and universities are a part of what has been termed the Millennial Generation, also known as Generation Y, which typically describes the group of individuals born in most of the 1980s and 1990s. This cohort’s life has been shaped by corporate scandals, economic instability, and worldwide tragedies. Concurrently, business ethics has become a popular topic in the news within the last 2 decades due to the increase in the number of high-profile (...)
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  23.  51
    Feminist Epistemology and American Pragmatism: Dewey and Quine.Alexandra L. Shuford - 2010 - Continuum.
    Birthing feminist pragmatist epistemologies -- Feminist epistemologies -- Embodiment -- Project overview -- Quine's naturalized epistemology -- A brief history of objectivity in western philosophy -- Quine's empiricism -- Holism -- Ontological and epistemological impact -- Antony's analytic feminist empiricism -- Objectivity and the bias paradox -- Quine's naturalized epistemology solves bias paradox -- Anti-quinean realism -- Nelson's holistic feminist empiricism -- Nelson's holism -- Communities as knowers -- Facts/values -- Dewey's theory of inquiry -- Epistemology and (...)
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  24.  18
    ‘Barons’ Wars, under Other Names’: Feudalism, Royalism and the American Founding.Eric Nelson - 2017 - History of European Ideas 43 (2):198-214.
    SUMMARYThe Machiavellian Moment was largely responsible for establishing what remains the dominant understanding of American Revolutionary ideology. Patriots, on this account, were radical whigs; their great preoccupation was a terror of crown power and executive corruption. This essay proposes to test the whig reading of patriot political thought in a manner suggested by Professor Pocock's pioneering first book, The Ancient Constitution and the Feudal Law. The whig tradition, as he taught us, located in the remote Saxon past an ‘ancient constitution’ (...)
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  25. Pressing Christie, Brusse, et al.’s Objection: Why Single Out Selected Effects?Aliya R. Dewey - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (4):412-417.
    Christie, Brusse, et al. argue that selected effects are insufficient to explain the prevalence of traits when selection is heterogeneous. One could object that it’s useful to ground functions in selected effects so long as selected effects are necessary to explain the prevalence of traits. This raises a challenging question: what justifies singling out selected effects from other factors that are necessary to explain the prevalence of traits when selection is heterogeneous? I consider three answers: selected effects are the only (...)
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  26.  17
    Bioethics and the Marginalization of Mental Illness.Janet R. Nelson - 2003 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 23 (2):179-197.
    This paper explores why ethical issues associated with mental illness have been generally neglected in the literature and texts of the discipline of bioethics. I argue that the reasons for this are both philosophical and structural, involving the philosophical framework of principlism in bioethics, in particular the privileging of the principle of autonomy, and the institutional location and disciplinary boundaries of bioethics as a profession. Other contributing factors include developments outside of bioethics, in medicine and law and in the delivery (...)
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  27.  30
    Moral Teachings from Unexpected Quarters: Lessons for Bioethics from the Social Sciences and Managed Care.James Lindemann Nelson - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (1):12-17.
    On the usual account of moral reasoning, social science is often seen as able to provide “just the facts,” while philosophy attends to moral values and conceptual clarity and builds formally valid arguments. Yet disciplines are informed by epistemic values—and bioethics might do well to see social scientific practices and their attendant normative understandings about what is humanly important as a significant part of ethics generally.
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  28.  41
    Episiotomies and the ethics of consent during labour and birth: thinking beyond the existing consent framework.Anna Nelson & Beverley Clough - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):622-623.
    We agree with van der Pijl et al that the question of how to ensure consent is obtained for procedures which occur during labour and childbirth is vitally important, and worthy of greater attention.1 However, we argue that the modified opt-out approach to consent outlined in their paper may not do enough to protect the choice and agency of birthing people. Moreover, while their approach reflects a pragmatic attempt to facilitate legal clarity and certainty in this context, this is not (...)
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  29.  58
    Descartes on the limited usefulness of mathematics.Alan Nelson - 2019 - Synthese 196 (9):3483-3504.
    Descartes held that practicing mathematics was important for developing the mental faculties necessary for science and a virtuous life. Otherwise, he maintained that the proper uses of mathematics were extremely limited. This article discusses his reasons which include a theory of education, the metaphysics of matter, and a psychologistic theory of deductive reasoning. It is argued that these reasons cohere with his system of philosophy.
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  30.  21
    Any Given We.Scott G. Nelson - 2010 - Journal of International Political Theory 6 (1):23-46.
    Democracy and the state are two political notions that have come under considerable duress in late modernity. This paper considers a prominent critic of both, Sheldon Wolin. The paper examines three elements that figure in Wolin's analyses of democracy and the modern state in a central way: community, memory, and the culture of history. A theorisation of these elements can illuminate what is at stake in the articulation of political conceptions that yield communal forms through the constitution of political space. (...)
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  31. Can Medical Licensing Boards Swing the Pendulum Towards Judicious Opioid Prescribing Practices?Lewis S. Nelson & Jeanmarie Perrone - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):690-692.
    In the initial wave of the opioid crisis, uninformed prescribing practices and lax oversight were the drivers of opioid addiction and death. Although opioid prescriptions have decreased by 44.4 percent between 2011-2020,1 the number of deaths linked to prescription opioids has decreased only marginally.2 The marked fall in opioid prescribing without a concomitant reduction in opioid-related deaths suggests that an at-risk population continued to receive prescription opioids, whether directly or indirectly, from a medical professional. Currently, illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) is (...)
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  32.  52
    Divine action: Is it credible?Jams S. Nelson - 1995 - Zygon 30 (2):267-280.
    The concept of God's acting in the world has been seen to be problematic in light of the claims of scientific knowledge that the regularity of a law like universe rules out divine action. There are resources in both scientific knowledge and religion that can render meaningful and credible divine action. The new physics, chaos theory, cognitive psychology, and the concept of top‐down causation are used to understand how God acts in the world. God's action is not an intervention, but (...)
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  33.  45
    Developing dual-representation processes.Katherine Nelson - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):693-694.
    Cross-domain representations provide the foundation for language and are not its unique product. Modularity of a limited kind is confined to early infancy in humans and is succeeded by domain-general thinking and speaking. Representational language becomes accessible to the cognitive system during the preschool years as a supplement to experientially based conceptual processing, resulting in a dual-process system.
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    El cuerpo: museo y significado controlado.Nelson Molina Valencia - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El texto desarrolla -a modo de ensayo- un recorrido por el cuerpo como lugar, discurso y objeto de control, taxonomía a partir de lo cual se proponen tres operaciones posibles de desarrollar: el estudio de la memoria del cuerpo a partir de sus indicios; la comprensión histórica del ejercicio del cuerpo a partir de sus prolongaciones, y el análisis de las condiciones para el ejercicio del poder en medio de la tensión dominación-libertad. El autor plantea que las tres dimensiones desarrolladas (...)
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  35. (1 other version)Are naturalists materialists?John Dewey, Sidney Hook & Ernest Nagel - 1945 - Journal of Philosophy 42 (September):515-530.
    Professor [H.W.] Sheldon's critique of contemporary naturalism as professed in the volume Naturalism and the Human Spirit consists of one central "accusation": naturalism is materialism pure and simple. This charge is supported by his further claim that since the scientific method naturalists espouse for acquiring reliable knowledge of nature is incapable of yielding knowledge of the mental or spiritual "nature" for the naturalist is definitionally limited to "physical nature." He therefore concludes that instead of being a philosophy which can settle (...)
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  36.  33
    Wittgenstein: Language and World. [REVIEW]John O. Nelson - 1984 - Review of Metaphysics 38 (2):380-382.
    In his preface to Wittgenstein: Language and World, Canfield briefly explains the plan of the work. Feeling that "Wittgenstein's later work remains, after decades of study, in significant part poorly grasped or misinterpreted," and that "to make Wittgenstein's thought available, what is needed are in-depth examinations of his major concepts," he proposes to undertake a part of that task by examining in detail the "two connected ideas, that of a 'criterion', or standard by which one judges truth, and that of (...)
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  37.  47
    A discussion of Dewey and Bentley's "postulations".C. West Churchman & T. A. Cowan - 1946 - Journal of Philosophy 43 (8):217-219.
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  38. Anatomy’s role in mechanistic explanations of organism behaviour.Aliya R. Dewey - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-32.
    Explanations in behavioural neuroscience are often said to be mechanistic in the sense that they explain an organism’s behaviour by describing the activities and organisation of the organism’s parts that are “constitutively relevant” to organism behaviour. Much has been said about the constitutive relevance of working parts (in debates about the so-called “mutual manipulability criterion”), but relatively little has been said about the constitutive relevance of the organising relations between working parts. Some New Mechanists seem to endorse a simple causal-linking (...)
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  39.  12
    The philosophy of John Dewey: a critical exposition of his method, metaphysics, and theory of knowledge.Robert E. Dewey - 1977 - The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
    John Dewey ranks as the most influential of America's philosophers. That in fluence stems, in part, from the originality of his mind, the breadth of his in terests, and his capacity to synthesize materials from diverse sources. In addi tion, Dewey was blessed with a long life and the extraordinary energy to express his views in more than 50 books, approximately 750 articles, and at least 200 contributions to encyclopedias. He has made enduring intellectual contributions in all of (...)
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  40. A direct test of E=mc 2.S. Rainville, E. G. Kessler Jr, M. Jentschel, P. Mutti, J. K. Thompson, E. G. Myers, J. M. Brown, M. S. Dewey, R. D. Deslattes, H. G. Börner & D. E. Pritchard - 2005 - Nature 438 (22):1096-1097.
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  41.  29
    Mandatory reflection: the Canadian reconstitution of the competent nurse.Sioban Nelson & Mary Ellen Purkis - 2004 - Nursing Inquiry 11 (4):247-257.
    Over the past two decades, the competency movement has been gathering momentum internationally within the ranks of professional nursing. It can be argued that this momentum is in response to government initiatives aimed at improving consistency in workforce training and accreditation, and fostering national and international portability of qualifications. At the same time, the competency movement has provided the opportunity for regulators, service providers and government to develop mechanisms to reconstitute competent nurses as accountable, self‐regulating subjects and to monitor this (...)
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  42.  65
    Feminist epistemology and american pragmatism: Dewey and Quine (review).Mary Magada-Ward - 2010 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 (2):197-200.
    Alexandra Shuford's book is primarily designed to address the following question: "What can Deweyan pragmatism contribute to a feminist empiricist epistemology?" (viii). Her answer is Dewey's conception of habit, and in her final chapter, she illustrates the utility of this conception by comparing what she labels the "medicalized" model of labor and birth to that employed by practitioners of midwifery. Before looking at Shuford's reading of this contrast more closely, however, it needs to be noted at the outset that (...)
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  43. Responding to Heaven and Earth: Daoism, Heidegger, and Ecology.Eric Sean Nelson - 2004 - Environmental Philosophy 1 (2):65-74.
    Although the words “nature” and “ecology” have to be qualified in discussing either Daoism or Heidegger, the author argues that a different and potentially helpful approach to questions of nature, ecology, and environmental ethics can be articulated from the works of Martin Heidegger and the early Daoist philosophers Laozi (Lao-Tzu) and Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu). Despite very different cultural contexts and philosophical strategies, they bring into play the spontaneity and event-character of nature while unfolding a sense of how to be responsive to (...)
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  44.  4
    Ethical considerations for biobanks serving underrepresented populations.Yoon Seo Lee, Nelson Luis Badia Garrido, George Lord, Zane Allan Maggio & Bohdan B. Khomtchouk - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    Biobanks are essential biological database resources for the scientific community, enabling research on the molecular, cellular, and genetic basis of human disease. They are crucial for computational, data‐driven biomedical research, which advances precision medicine and the development of targeted therapies. However, biobanks often lack racial and ethnic diversity, with many data sets predominantly comprising individuals of white, primarily northern European, ancestry. Establishing or enhancing biobanks for the inclusion of historically underrepresented populations requires meticulous ethical and social planning beyond logistical, legal, (...)
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  45.  7
    John Dewey's theory of inquiry and truth.Lowell A. Nissen - 1966 - The Hague,: Mouton.
  46.  34
    The Problem of Universals: A Symposium.Józef Maria Bochenski, Alonzo Church & Nelson Goodman - 1956 - South Bend, IN, USA: University of Notre Dame Press.
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  47.  22
    Researchers' Duty to Share Pre-publication Data: From the Prima Facie Duty to Practice.Christoph Schickhardt, Nelson Hosley & Eva C. Winkler - 2016 - In Mittelstadt Brent & Floridi Luciano (eds.), The ethics of biomedical big data. Springer. pp. 309-337.
    The purpose of this chapter is to offer an ethical investigation into whether researchers have a duty to share pre-published bio-medical data with the scientific community. The central questions of the chapter are the following: do researchers have a prima facie duty to share pre-published data? And if so, what stakes and aspects of a concrete situation need to be taken into consideration in order to assess whether and to what extent researchers’ prima facie duty to share data applies? We (...)
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  48.  21
    Medicine and Making Sense of Queer Lives.Jamie Lindemann Nelson - 2014 - Hastings Center Report 44 (s4):12-16.
    As practiced, medicine bumps along with the rest of us, doing its level best to cope with the contingencies of this often heartbreaking world. Yet it's a commonplace that much of medicine's self‐image, and a good deal of its cultural heft, come from its connection with the natural sciences and, what's more, from a picture of science that has a touch of the transcendental, highlighting the unmatched rigor of its procedures, its exacting rationality, and the reliability of its results.In contrast, (...)
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  49. Heidegger and the Questionability of the Ethical.Eric Sean Nelson - 2008 - Studia Phaenomenologica 8:411-435.
    Despite Heidegger’s critique of ethics, his use of ethically-inflected language intimates an interpretive ethics of encounter involving self-interpreting agents in their hermeneutical context and the formal indication of factical life as a situated dwelling open to possibilities enacted through practices of care, interpretation, and individuation. Existence is constituted practically in Dasein’s addressing, encountering, and responding to itself, others, and its world. Unlike rule-based or virtue ethics, this ethos of responsive encounter and individuating confrontation challenges any grounding in a determinate or (...)
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  50. The Philosophy of John Dewey: A Critical Study.Folke Leander - 1939 - Philosophy 14 (56):481-482.
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